The Men's Ministry

This is a vibrant Men Ministry with the goal of enhancing the continual growth and maturity of man in his spiritual, family and physical life through fellowship, worship, training and other developmental opportunities to help man attain all that God created him to be.

To realize this goal, we have regular prayer/discussion meetings, which include a monthly developmental session every 2nd Sunday of the month, immediately after the Sunday Service, outings to foster brotherly love, and an annual National Men's Conference in the last weekend of August.

Come join us and become all God meant you to be.

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The Ladies's Ministry

The mission of the Ladies's Ministry is to minister to the needs of today's women through fellowship, friendship, prayer, encouragement, teaching, and services. During our time of fellowship, we encourage and lift up one another in God's word.

In Amazing Grace Assembly, we work together as members of one body in pushing the plough forward. And we recognize that everyone needs help once in a while, so the women in Amazing Grace Assembly has programs planned in response to needs of members.

Do you need spiritual, emotional, and physical uplifting? Do you need a friend you can lean on? Do you know the basics of your faith? Come join us at the Amazing Grace Assembly or join us in one of these meetings and you will be richly blessed.

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The Eagle Generation

The Eagle Generation is the vibrant new generation of young adults and singles in Amazing Grace Assembly. The Eagle Generation, a group of future leaders, is already establishing its presence, not only within the Body of Christ but also in the community through various outreach events.

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The Amazing Children

Check out our children's department where children are taught, challenged, and empowered to live for God through awesome biblical teaching, and fun activities that bring to life the bible stories they are taught.

These teachings are culturally relevant empowering the children to face the challenges of our time yet upholding God's standards. Check us out and your child (children), niece(s) and/or nephew(s) will never be the same!
The Children's Department is always open during our services.

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